Aaron Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man (1942)
In the Summer of 1942, Eugene Goosens asked eighteen American composers to contribute patriotics fanfares for performances by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra during its 1942-43 season. Ten of these were written for brass and percussion alone and were selected for publication. These works were not only to enrich the literature for brass and percussion to pay tribute to all those involved in World War II. Among those composer partecipating were P.Creston, W.Piston, H.Hanson, D.Taylor, V.Thomson, B.Wagenaar and aaron Copland.
The titels were selected by the composers themselves, and it is not surprising tha Aaron Copland should have chosen to do honor to the man who performs no deeds of heroism on the battlefield but who shares the labors, sorrows, and hopes of those who strive for victory.

Werkart: Werk für Bläser, Typ: Sinfonie/Suite/Sinfon.Dichtung,

Aufführungszeit: ca. 4 Minuten

Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4 (auf einer Skala von 1-6)

Anzahl der Aufführungen durch Mitgliedsorchester: ca. 8



In the Summer of 1942, Eugene Goosens asked eighteen American composers to contribute patriotics fanfares for performances by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra during its 1942-43 season. Ten of these were written for brass and percussion alone and were selected for publication. These works were not only to enrich the literature for brass and percussion to pay tribute to all those involved in World War II. Among those composer partecipating were P.Creston, W.Piston, H.Hanson, D.Taylor, V.Thomson, B.Wagenaar and aaron Copland.
The titels were selected by the composers themselves, and it is not surprising tha Aaron Copland should have chosen to do honor to the man who performs no deeds of heroism on the battlefield but who shares the labors, sorrows, and hopes of those who strive for victory.

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